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Caniquus | A Dog and Horse Sim

Welcome to Caniquus

Caniquus is a horse and dog show and performance simulation game. Own, show, breed and train your horses and dogs to compete for titles and rankings. Here we strive towards realism, with a variety of genetics that do everything from deciding your animal's colour to giving them that edge come show time. Basic game play is free with upgraded options available. You choose what path you want to take with your pets - or try it all!

Game Features

Hundreds of dog and horse breeds available with breed traits specific to each breed.
Enter your animals in conformation shows and over 25 different sporting events
Genetics - Colour, height, coat type, health issues and some hidden genes, no two animals are the same. Millions of different genetic possibilities.
Social - Make friends and compete against people from around the world! Join in on our discord chat, or check out our forums.


Compete your animals in conformation shows, or try your hand at one (or more!) of over 25 different events available. Earn titles and points towards our leaderboards.


There's something for everyone at Caniquus! We have over 200 different horse and dog breeds from you to choose from, and you can even make suggestions for others!


Can you make it to the top? Whether you make it onto our scoreboards for competing your animals, or you make a name for yourself as the best breeder of the breed, there is a pathway for whichever goal you wish to achieve.

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  • 0 Online
  • 3 Players
  • 47 Pets